They are called servers .. you can also call them hosts
Refer below.
VPC, Subnets, Route Table(s), Nat Gateway, and Internet Gateway. These are the least required services to provide internet access to a private EC2 instance. NAT gateway requires an internet gateway.
numMugs=input(); #take input from the user and store it on a numMugs variable.
print ('Number of mugs:'+numMugs) #print the numMugs variable value with the Number of mugs: line.
- If the input is 8 then the program is print Number of mugs: 8.
- If the input is 'Harry' then the program is print Number of mugs: Harry.
- The above program is in python language with the two statements one in input and the other is output.
- The first line takes input and stores it into a variable named "numMugs".
- The second line print the value as Number of mugs: value_of_numMugs.
- The above program works for any type of input. It can work for the string data type or integer data type or character data type or any other data type.