At the end of the file, so that additional data is appended while the existing data stays intact.
The answer to your question is,
D. Toggle Filter. You don't want to remove the filter, you just want to see the difference.
-Mabel <3
% here x and y is given which we can take as
x = 2:2:10;
y = 2:2:10;
% creating a matrix of the points
point_matrix = [x;y];
% center point of rotation which is 2,2 here
x_center_pt = x(2);
y_center_pt = y(2);
% creating a matrix of the center point
center_matrix = repmat([x_center_pt; y_center_pt], 1, length(x));
% rotation matrix with rotation degree which is 45 degree
rot_degree = pi/4;
Rotate_matrix = [cos(rot_degree) -sin(rot_degree); sin(rot_degree) cos(rot_degree)];
% shifting points for the center of rotation to be at the origin
new_matrix = point_matrix - center_matrix;
% appling rotation
new_matrix1 = Rotate_matrix*new_matrix;
We start the program by taking vector of the point given to us and create a matrix by adding a scaler to each units with repmat at te center point which is (2,2). Then we find the rotation matrix by taking the roatational degree which is 45 given to us. After that we shift the points to the origin and then apply rotation ans store it in a new matrix called new_matrix1.
The Last option: Dyadic Communication AND Interpersonal Communication
is the correct one.
Communication can be defined as the process in which one may convey his thoughts or inquires about things.
There are many types of communications as listed above.
- Intrapersonal Communication
- Interpersonal Communication
- Dyadic Communication
- Small Group Communication
- Public Communication
- Mass Communication
- Organizational Communication
- Intercultural Communication.
Under all these, Interpersonal communication and Dyadic communication are the ones that are between two people.
Dyadic communication is the one in which two people relate to exchange thoughts and ideas face-to-face. It is sometimes referred as dialogic relation.
Interpersonal relation can be between two or more than two persons that may know each other. It is clearly specified in this communication that who listener and speaker are.
<h3>I hope it will help you!</h3>
Connectivity, Security, Productivity
Hope this helps;)