It was good because he stand up for his country and wanted to protect Ukraine no matter what happens snhahauahwjww
The Pilgrims established a government of sorts under the Mayflower Compact of 1620, which enshrined the notion of the consent of the governed. Next, in 1630, the Puritans used the royal charter establishing the Massachusetts Bay Company to create a government in which “freemen”—white males who owned property and paid taxes and thus could take on the responsibility of governing—elected a governor and a single legislative body called the Great and General Court, made up of assistants and deputies.
Conflicts arose over the arbitrariness of the assistants, and in 1641 the legislature created the Body of Liberties. This document was a statement of principles for governance that protected individual liberties and was the basis for the guarantees later expressed in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. In 1644 this single body became an entity made up of two chambers: the House of Assistants (later the Senate) and the House of Deputies (later the House of Representatives). This set the precedent of bicameralism for most governmental legislatures in the United States, including the eventual federal legislature.
He began ruling in <span>2061 </span>BC.
The most common language spoken in this part fo the world is English
Religious tolerance in the current scenario is discussed below in details.
Religious toleration is citizens supporting other citizens to meditate or exercise other religions and faiths.
In a country with a state religion for example Arab countries where the state religion is Islam, toleration indicates that the government supports other religions to be there. Many nations in past centuries permitted other religions but only in isolation. This has become rare nowadays, religious toleration especially in Islam following states become very rare.