Congress is debating whether to allow the central government to impose taxes, my stand on this topic is written below in details.
Give me freedom or give me death” were the memorable speeches delivered by Patrick Henry in the conflict for freedom. He directed the first continental congress in 1774 and commenced the method of American political revolution. This revolution eventually finished in the rebelling of Britain's American settlements and the founding of what would enhance the United States of America. The Second Continental Congress achieved freedom through the organization, revolution, and eventually claiming freedom. This was the commencement of the American Revolution.
Although the Anti-Federalists lost their main goal, in that the Constitution was ratified, the succeeded in place a Bill of Rights in the Constitution, which explicity highlighted the most important individual rights for states and indviduals.
The start of the American Industrial Revolution is often attributed to Samuel Slater who opened the first industrial mill in the United States in 1790<span> with a design that borrowed heavily from a British model.</span>
Three other revolutions took place in Belgium, Italy, and Poland. The common cause of all of them was nationalism.