the answer is "Shlemiel's treatment of the dog shows that Shlemiel is a kind, tender person.'
English has four main basic sentence types which are:
<span>declarative, interrogative, imperative, and conditional.
hope it helped
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The dominant factor in an epic is the heroic main character. This character often is the son of a god or goddess and is favored by the gods. Heroic characters are also always hounded by constant tragedy which drives them to fulfill their fates. Most heroic characters are high in social status and share close contacts with the gods. All of these qualities of heroic characters show up in the characters of Aeneas from The Aeneid and Gilgamesh from the Epic of Gilgamesh<span>. </span>
La respuesta correcta es computadoras, ya que la oración afirmativa dice que es efectivamente posible: “Se puede comprar muchas computadoras en el mercado de Chichicastenango”. Por la información expuesta no se puede saber mucho más puesto que es limitada. Sin embargo, frente a las opciones de computadoras, artesanías, sacerdotes y Tuk-tuks, la respuesta más acertada sería “Computadoras”.