web page: a screen containing text, images, and other media
web address: a unique reference that helps you open a website
website: a collection of web pages
home page: the landing page of a website
Back them up on a different drive
Many organizations find themselves in the position of being data rich and information poor. Even in today's electronic world, managers struggle with the challenge of turning their business data into business intelligence.Data in its raw form does not help managers in reaching their business decisions. In this electronic age data collection has been made simple .However the value of that data can only be seen when it is processed and it becomes information. It can help managers to make quick business decisions that will be used to make come up with important business strategies .It follows that when data is collected in its various forms it should then be processed meaning that the business managers can either use business Intelligent software that can present the data in a meaningful form like graphs . pie charts and other forms that can be easily interpreted and reflect the trends that have been presented by the raw data .The organisation should find value in the data that they have collected and tell the story that leaves in the data.
public class SimpleSquare{
public int num;
private int square;
public SimpleSquare(int number){
num = number;
square = number * number;
public int getSquare(){
return square;
*The code is in Java.
Create a class called SimpleSquare
Declare two fields, num and square
Create a constructor that takes an integer number as a parameter, sets the num and sets the square as number * number.
Since the square is a private field, I also added the getSquare() method which returns the value of the square.