The correct answer is ships and boats. Since all the settlements were built along the river and it’s canals the goods and people were transported easily through riverways. The winds blow up and down the river through the year enabling ships to sail both ways.
Central (traits).
The central traits, according to the cardinal traits of personality, developed by Gordon Cattell's approach, are the basic building blocks of most people's personality. The major terms you use to describe yourself, or others, are indeed your/their central traits of personality. In this case, our hypotetical cousin's central traits are being warm, happy, optimistic, funny and high achieving. The most general terms you find to describe someone usually are their central traits.
The General Assembly
It has been called the "town meeting of the world." Its specific duties include the election of the members of the Economic and Social Council, the board of the UN Industrial Development Organization, and some members of the Trusteeship Council.