obesity increases blood pressure
This is because the high fat percentage in the body has lead to a build up of fat on the inside of arteries and this makes them thinner. the heart has to pump harder to get the blood around the body and through these, now smaller arteries. therefore yes having diabetes does increase blood pressure.
other factors which increase blood pressure are high stress levels, smoking, anxiety.
The anticodon for ACA is UGU
in the left column find the U. From the top column find the G. From the right column find the last U. The amino acid at that location is cysteine
The possible tRNA for serine are UCU, UCC, UCA, UCG
There would be more prey than predators, as for a predator to have a balanced diet it should have a plentiful supply of food, meaning it needs more prey. You're welcome!
Key Takeaways. The four primary functions of carbohydrates in the body are to provide energy, store energy, build macromolecules, and spare protein and fat for other uses. Glucose energy is stored as <u>glycogen</u><u>,</u> with the majority of it in the muscle and liver.