We can easily define the <em>¨forced assimilation¨ </em>as cultural <em>genocide</em> or <em>Ethnocide</em>, so only knowing the meaning of this term, already let us know that is not a viable path to take in the medium and long term, for different reasons:
-The human rights are clearly violated in this way to impose believes, and all the patterns placed to follow, are against the free expression of each individual.
-The history has shown us in different cultures, that the extreme repression never leads to a good ending, the unsatisfaction generated by drastic and cruel changes imposed by new conquerors normally ends in confrontations, wars, and serious social conflicts.
-Normally the aspects to modify with the <em>¨forced assimilation¨ </em>are language, identity, values, traditions, mentality, way of life, ideology and religion, which are clearly basic and fundamental aspects to be respected in an individual way of life , violating them normally leads to a general and considerable unsatisfaction by all the repressed people.