The war ended on November 11, 1918, and America's economic boom quickly faded. Factories began to ramp down production lines in the summer of 1918, leading to job losses and fewer opportunities for returning soldiers. This led to a short recession in 1918–19, followed by a stronger one in 1920–21
Feudal Japanese and European societies were built on a system of hereditary classes. The nobles were at the top, followed by warriors, with tenant farmers or serfs below. There was very little social mobility; the children of peasants became peasants, while the children of lords became lords and ladies
europe Feudalism was a political system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally belonged to the king. In return, the nobles agreed to give their loyalty and military services to the king. Feudalism developed not only in Europe but also in countries like Japan.
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District courts have original jurisdiction over cases involving federal laws (including maritime, patent, and copyright law). That is, they serve as the venues in which jury trials are executed. US courts of appeals are forums in which decisions made in district courts may be appealed or considered again. This does not mean that another trial will occur at the appellate court. Circuit courts consider any possible mistakes or misinterpretations of the law made by the district court judges. In a sense, circuit courts merely serve as checks on the performance of district court judges.