Rights and duties are two phases of the same thing. Rights are considered to be essential for the expansion of human personality. They offer to the individual a sufficient scope for free action and thus prepare ground for self-development. An individual has rights so that he may make his contribution to the social good. One has no right to act unsocially, man’s rights imply his claims on society and duties indicate the claim of society on the individual. This means that an individual owes to the society certain duties as he obtains rights.
Duties of citizens as per the constitution of Nepal
Article 16 to Article 46 of the Nepalese constitution guarantees 31 fundamental rights to Nepalese people. These include freedom to live with dignity, freedom of speech and expression, religious and cultural freedom, right against untouchability and discrimination etc. Article 48 describes duties of every Nepalese. It says safeguard the nationality, sovereignty and integrity of Nepal.
The answer is "endogamous".
Arranged marriage is a kind of marital association where the bride and groom are chosen by people other than the couple themselves, especially relatives, for example, the guardians. Contingent upon culture, an expert relational arranger might be utilized.
There are different types of arranged marriage. Arranged endogamous marriage is one where an outsider finds and chooses the bride and groom from a specific social, monetary and social gathering.
es verdad va influencia del voto joven en los próximos comicios podría ser disminuido por el abstencionismo, pues las personas menores de 30 años son las que se registraron en las últimas elecciones presidenciales e intermedias.