tpolitical party defination an organized group of people who have the same political positions //// example ( democrates and republicans //// Thomas washington didnt want any political party's because he siad would cause trouble
xyz affair definition the French had seized nearly 300 American ships bound for British ports. (french was damaging their ships )//// sentence: if the french didnt damage the boats john marshal and his adminestration wouldnt have made the xyz affair
Alien and Sedition Acts Definition: it was an act that french couldnt live in the america states at time (make sure u list the beggining states) it made it harder on outsiders/// sentence: because of the french america made the alien and sedition act so it would be hard for them to live in america and made sure they had little freedom
state rights definition: right the state gives not the same as national rights state is only that on state for example maryland//// sentence: the state right made sure everyone was following directions
online definition of xyz affair :The XYZ Affair is a name usually given to a diplomatic situation described in a report (1797 - 1798) where United States President John Adams mentioned three French agents, referred to only as X, Y, and Z. When John Adams became President in March of 1797, the French had seized nearly 300 American ships bound for British ports.
A) The invasion of Austria.
Explanation: Brainly
The Constitution grants Congress the power of removing the President, Vice President, or other civil officers from their office through impeachment
Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim. In 1324, he started making preparations for his initial pilgrimage journey to Mecca. The distance between Mali and Mecca is approximately 3000 miles. Therefore, it took officials and servants from his empire several months to make adequate preparations for the journey. The initial step in making preparations involved the collection of animals which were to be used as sources of food as well as carry luggage. The animals included goats, cows, and camels. Items to be carried by the animals included gold, food, and clothing. More than 30,000 pounds of gold were carried among 100 camels. A large number of people were also included in the caravan that accompanied the king. It is estimated that the caravan consisted of 60,000 people of whom 12,000 were slaves (Woods & Tucker, 2006). Others included 500 maids who were identified by the king’s first wife, soldiers, story tellers, teachers, and doctors (Woods & Tucker, 2006).