Apart from the poetic qualities of the alliterative verse in which Beowulf is written, the epic has a grand, majestic style that seems to lift you up as you read it. Beowulf isn't just a hero, he's a "prince of goodness" (676).
My special skill is music, I play instuments, and I sing. I have made allstate many times, but this isn't due to my natural gift. This is because of my hard work and effort i put in over the school year, summer, and holidays. I go to chorus for two classes a day and sing for a total of three hours, then after that i mentor other students. When I get home from school every day i will usually also practice piano, guitar, and voice. This is the only way I can truley succeed at what i'm passionate about. Even though i have a good voice and the right style to play piano and guitar, I still need to practice so i can hone these skills and perfect them even more than I already have.
Hope it helps.
To try to persuade someone to do something based on the fact that "everyone's
doing it"
The barber must choose between hurting an enemy or being an ethical worker