You can probably think of many different situations where your ... Good grades are a type of incentive that can motivate you to study hard ...
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Madison understood that power can corrupt as seen with the kings of their time. So Madison set up the form of government that relies on separate branches of government that operates under checks and balances. This means that no one branch can get too powerful and overrule the other branches. We see this in modern government in the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Madison improved upon the idea that power cannot be held by one man or a few people.
No hablo español muy bien, pero el segundo gran despertar ayudó a cambiar la forma en que la mayoría de la gente veía el mundo. Antes del segundo gran despertar, la gente aceptaba que el rey era simplemente un rey por derecho de Dios. pero el despertar les hizo cuestionar esto.
Espero que esto ayude, amigo! intenté mi mejor jajaja!
After the bombing at Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt addressed Congress asking to declare war on Japan.
It was considered to be an anti-art. Dada artists didn't care about the status quo, they didn't care about art in traditional sense