Other nations had abundant supplies of natural resources and were able to use the ideas and technology Britain developed.
Travel pattern means a prevalent flow of motor vehicles
1. Social structures are all around us. In terms of school, we can see a structure within the school staff. For example, a principal is higher in the hierarchy of power than a vice-principal, and a teacher is higher than a teacher assistant.
2. Social structures can be benefitial as they help us structure tasks and distribute power. Hierarchies, when based on merit, can also serve as ways to recognize the accomplishments of people. However, social structures also have negative effects. People can become obsessed with power and control, and abuse those that have less power. Social structures can also make social mobility difficult.
It was to broad and gave the state's power allowing people to do what they wanted there was no strong centeral government in order to take lead
gave congress no power to tax so they had no money
provided no common currency
and gave states one vote regardless of size
Facing an election just weeks after succeeding to the Presidency.
He faced and won elections in 1949, almost four years after suceeding to the Presidency.