Microorganisms can be divided into two groups:
1. Archea
• Archea are prokaryotic unicellular organisms without cell nucleus or other membrane bound-organelles.
• Their membrane is built from ether lipids, which differs them from bacteria’s cell membrane.
2. Bacteria
• Bacteria are also unicellular prokaryotic organisms.
• Bacterial cell membranes are made from phosphoglycerides with ester bonds. Bacterial genome is in a form of circular chromosome.
• They reproduce by binary fission or by budding.
Besides, prokaryotes (Archea and Bacteria) a large number of eukaryotes are also microorganisms. Unicellular eukaryotes contain organelles such as the cell nucleus, the Golgi apparatus and mitochondria. Usually, they reproduce asexually by mitosis. An example of eukaryotic microorganism is Protist.
The statement is true.
Carbohydrates are broken down in order to obtain glucose for respiration in cells. When there is an inadequate amount of carbohydrates, other macromolecules must be broken down. Excessive breakdown of fats is not possible due to the fact that it causes ketosis; therefore, proteins are broken down and the body starts to lose muscle mass.
In their experiments, Hershey and Chase showed that when bacteriophages, which are composed of DNA and protein, infect bacteria, their DNA enters the host bacterial cell, but most of their protein does not. Hershey and Chase and subsequent discoveries all served to prove that DNA is the hereditary material.