D. Federal agencies enforce newly written tax laws.
Congress is saddled with the responsibility of making decisions i.e law-making. They establish new laws or policies. It is one thing to make laws and it is another to ensure, those laws are well implemented by various agencies. Implementation means executing. This means that policy implementation deals with executing new laws or policies for the benefit of the populace.
Implementation of public policy can be done by agencies, citizens, government, as well as other branches of government. For a Policy to be implemented, it must possess certain qualities. It must be clear, such policy must be accepted by the people, etc.
A. The command economy is a key feature of any communist society. Cuba, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union are examples of countries that have command economies, while China maintained a command economy for decades before transitioning to a mixed economy that features both communistic and capitalistic elements.
Support the contras in Nicaragua. Communists wanted control of Nicaragua, in order to stop the CIA helped the rebel forces defend their homeland by aiding them with guns, ammunition, and supplies.
<span>What struggle experienced by prince Diponegoro? is that what you said?</span>