C. Poor members of society
Liberation of Nazi extermination camps by Allied soldiers
The United States did the right decision in helping Germany after the World War II. Even though Germany was the country that caused the most damage, and it was the one that was the main aggressor, it was very wise from the United States that they helped this country after the war. The reason why it was a good decision is that it helped the country develop economically and strictly focus on it, thus improving the lives of the people. When the people have descent living and are happy they would not go to extremes because of some politician's ideology. And taken in consideration that the Germans followed Hitler mostly because they were living in terrible conditions and were desperate, this seems to be the best possible move.
"boycott table grapes"
The words which clearly outline the goal of Chavez's speech form the passage is "boycott table grapes"
The straightforward gesture of to buy table laced knot with pesticides is a strong statement that the growers grasps.
The story was about the Delano grape strike. In the late 1960s farm workers who were newly organized, fronted by Ceaser Chaves who was a Mexican-American civil-rights activists asked the Americans to avoid the well known California fruit because of the agricultural labourers were poorly treated and forced to endure an unpleasant conditions such as meagre pay and poor work conditions.