Answer: 622 C.E.After enduring persecution in mecca, muhammad and his followers migrate to the nearby town of yathrib(later to be known as madina),where the people there accepted islam... eventually he begins to invite other tribes and nations to islam. 630 C.E.
Answer:Native peoples of America had no immunity to the diseases that European explorers and colonists brought with them. Diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles, and even chicken pox proved deadly to American Indians. Europeans were used to these diseases, but Indian people had no resistance to them.
Christians wanted to regain control of the Holy Land from Muslims.
The Anabaptists originated from Zurich/Germany.
Huguenots are mainly from Northern France.
The Anglican only has a long and unbroken history with Great Britain and Ireland.
Calvinism is originally from Switzerland. It spread through England, Scotland, France, the Netherlands, various colonies of North America, and parts of Germany and central Europe while in parts of Germany and Scandinavia Lutheranism spread.
Presbyterian originated from Scotland. There is a big influence from John Calvin and the works of John Knox (He brought back important reformed teachings to Scotland).