European nations began repaying their debts to the U.S. High tariffs discouraged international trade. Lowered income taxes spurred consumer spending.
A amendment
It is a minor change to already existing legislation that attempts to improve it.
*Amendments are not parts of the constitution. They become part of the constitution once it is ratified.
Amendments exist to adjust the legislation of the constitution.
Establishment clause
The establishment clause is an amendment to the United States constitution that forbids the Congress from passing any law that has to do with the establishment of religion.
It also forbids any action by the government that would make it favor one religion over another religion.
The Great Leap Forward was a successful plan in the starting where it worked towards enhancing the industrial and agricultural production in the country of China but ended up in many failures.
<h3>Who was Mao Zedong?</h3>
Mao Zedong became the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party in the year 1949 after founding the People's Republic of China.
The Great Leap Forward was a plan started by Mao Zedong for increasing production in industrial and agricultural areas. Due to the massive increase, the country's economy was affected a lot which led to the deaths of many people in China because of starvation and famine. About thirty to forty-five million people died to the overpressure of production increase.
Therefore, the plan of the great leap forward was given a good success at the start but later it hinders the Chinese economy a lot.
Learn more about the Great Leap Forward in the related link:
Before the French Revolution, the french society had the structure of feudalism that was known as Estates System, a person belonged to an Estate which determined this person’s rights and status in society and usually, people did not change Estates.
The Peasants (3rd Estate) were the majority of the population but they lacked political and economic power and also did not own the majority of the land.
The second Estate the clergy and nobility controlled the majority of the land in France and also had important positions in the government, church, and military. After the French Revolution, there was major land reform.