<em>B. suspicious of a strong national government
The Confederation Articles received continuous support from Continental Congress on 1777, yet did not get viable until March 1, 1781, when each of the 13 states at long last endorsed them.
Congress had no position to raise a military all alone and needed to order troops from the states. All significant arrangement issues war and harmony, settlements, the assignment of assets required the endorsement of nine states. The Articles mirrored the country's worry about official power; the absence of an official implied there was no viable initiative.
Http://americanhistoryrules.com/unit5/docs/PopulistParty.pdf this really helped a lot...
D) Increased immigration in industrial areas.
By 1890, production by factories in American had grown eight times larger than what it had been before 1860. A large part of the workforce came from immigrants coming to the United States and settling in cities, looking for jobs. Ireland was one example of a country from which many immigrants came, looking for work in America, after the devastation of famine in Ireland (especially from potato crop failures).
1. The people in wagons/horseback with regular clothing are the groups moving west. With them, they bring death/destruction.
2. They may be moving west for better job opportunities, freedom, or to explore.
3. The Native Americans and animals like bears/buffalo were already in the West. They are forced to flee, fight for their land, or even die.
4. The figure in the center of the painting is Lady Liberty. She may represent America as a whole + the way they brought their ideals, hopes, and technology to the West along with them.
5. John Gast likely did not believe that US expansion in the 1800s was justifiable b/c in this painting of his, he portrays some of the negative effects that American expansion had on several groups in the West. There is a pile of animal bones symbolizing death, and other animals, as well as Native Indians, can be seen running away from the people moving west, showing how American expansion caused many to leave their homes.