On April 27, 1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by a poison arrow during a skirmish on the island of Mactan in what is now the Philippines. Magellan and his crew were assisting a local king they had allied with when they landed on the island of Cebu weeks earlier.
They attacked flight crews.
The tournament began in 1882 with the name of Four Nations (Home Unions), since only England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland participated. By contrast France joined the tournament in 1910, so the tournament went from being the Four Nations to the Five Nations.
The tournaments served to keep the knight in shape in times of peace, which was complemented by hunting, as well as collective training to improve combat techniques that would have to occur in war, especially after the generalization of the charge. frontal.
Answer: Charlemagne's crowning made the Byzantine Emperor redundant, and relations between the East and the West deteriorated until a formal split occurred in 1054. The Eastern Church became the Greek Orthodox Church by severing all ties with Rome and the Roman Catholic Church — from the pope to the Holy Roman Emperor on down.