B. Organization chart
An organization chart shows or gives a graphical/visual representation of the organization's or company's structure. Its shows the interrelationship between various units in the organization or company. It conveys the organization's internal structure by specifying roles, responsibilities by position and relationships between individuals in the organization or company. They are also called organogram or organigram.
The cash effects of transactions that create revenues and expenses are operating activities.
Operating activities are useful to stable the business and they are mostly based on cash transactions. Business need cash for their daily operational activities.
Laffer curve is the curve built on graph which explains that tax revenue will be increased when tax rates are raised. It also indicates that the tax revenue will increase to a certain point on the R-max line after which the curve starts declining which means the tax revenue will decline.
Laffer curve is a theory by economists which indicates the relationship between tax rates and the tax revenue. If the tax rates are increased then the tax revenue will also rise. This is the theory which is believed by many economists and many businesses also follow such strategy to improve their business profits.
Revenue is recorded for September, October, November and December of $4,050 each month for a total of $16,200 in the calendar year of 2011, which leaves an Unearned Subscription Revenue Liability on the balance sheet on 12/31/2011 of $32,400.
So revenue earned is a credit balance of $16,200, which is B.
The remaining liability (credit) balance in Unearned