your on unit 9 of edhesive?
A software EULA is an agreement related to the terms of use of the software
the terms of use of the software
EULA stands for End User License Agreement. It can be defined as an agreement related to the terms of use of the software. EULA provides the user with all the details and any restrictions that have been imposed on the application by the developer.
In order to use the software, the user has to agree with all the terms and conditions specified in the EULA. The most common restriction imposed on an application/software is that it shouldn't be shared with anyone, in proprietary software.
ISP is the correct answer to the following question.
ISP(Internet Service Provider) is the company or an organization which provides the internet connection or access to any persons, individuals or any company. It is the device that connects networks and direct flow of the data or information through the network. If you want to connect through ISP then, you have to connect this device to the computer system.