XML (Extensible Markup Language):
XML (Xtensible Markup Language):
It is a markup language that is used for creating web-pages, it defines a set of rules that makes it readable both to humans and machine.
XML was primarily designed to be a software and hardware independent tool and it's focus was on data. XML provides a framework for defining markup languages.
XML, HTML and XHTML are all related to each other because they are all markup languages and can be used to build websites.
-HTML is primarily for web-pages.
-XML is primarily for data.
-XHTML is a standard based on HTML that follows the strict rules of XML.
Adding extra horizontal scroll, Blocking mobile devices from viewing, Eliminating extra links, Resizing content to fit a screen.
Given Information:
There are 3 possible cases
1. Location of reference word is in cache
2. Location of reference word is not in cache but in main memory
3. Location of reference word is neither in cache nor in main memory
The average time required to access a referenced word on this system is simply the sum of above 3 cases
Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void miles_to_km(float &miles)//function to convert miles to kilo meters.
int main() {
float miles;
cout<<"Enter the miles"<<endl;
cin>>miles;//taking input of the miles..
miles_to_km(miles);//calling function that converts miles to km..
cout<<"The number of km is "<<miles<<endl;//printing the km.
return 0;
Enter the miles
The number of km is 86.4
I have created a function miles_to_km of type void which has the argument miles passed by reference.In the function the variable miles is converted to kilo meters.Then in the main function the function is called with the value prompted from the user.Then printing the changed value.