Cell shape classification Squamous, cuboidal, columnar
Functions Secretion, absorption, transportation, protection, receptor function (sensation)
it’s either antioxidants or sterilization but pasteurization is what they do to milk
Sedentary individuals are often lethargic and show early symptoms of obesity. Less exercise means a slower metabolism. A slower metabolism means that even if an individual is eating what they normally should, it will take them a longer time to burn off the calories they gain.
Maintaining a healthy body weight is not too hard and neither it is too easy.
It is very important to maintain a healthy diet that consists of balanced proportions of vegetable, fruits and protein.
In addition, it is essential to exercise every single day for a set amount of time to stay active and healthy. otherwise the body will get used to no work and the food will add to gaining weight instead of balancing it with exercise.