The correct answer is physics.
Health education/promotion includes the knowledge, principles, and concept of may disciplines like biology, sociology, medical science, psychology, etc. So it comes from a variety of discipline but physics is not the major discipline which supports health education and discipline because physics deals with the structure of matter and how the particles and universal constituents interact with each other.
Physics focuses on finding the rules of the universe so it is less related to health education and promotion. Therefore the correct answer is physics.
What could you do with that ice its gonna be dirty then. Unless its talking about before then just pour some water on it to get the other drinks submerged in some cold water instead of having them sit on top. In fact were the h are your answer choices did you not get any? They would really be helpful right now.
well the person with cancer asked for X-RAY and then later complained so it's the patient is to blame
An avulsion is where a chunk of tendon gets pulled away and separated from the bone. Ouch!!!