Please kindly check explainations for the code.
lw $t1, Num1
lw $t2, Num2
lw $t3, Num3
blt $t1, $t2, if
beq $t1, $t2, elseif
add $t0, $t3, 5
sw $t0, Result
#.....other statements after if-elseif-else
sw $t1, Result
b endif
ble $t2, $t3, if2
or $t0, $t1, $t3
sw $t0, Result
b endif
and $t0, $t2, $t3
sw $t0, Result
b endif
Go to attachment for the onscreen code.
Rajesh might want to avoid the use of a web app for the project due to connectivity issues. Hence, one reason he might want to avoid using the Webb app is slow or poor internet connection.
Collaborating on a web application relies very heavily on network connectivity which is the what establishes the link ms allows the apllications to achieve optimum performance.
Therefore, slow internet connection is a major reason whuhe might want to avoid using a web app.
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See Explanation
The question is incomplete as there is no link pointing to the houseType struct of chapter 1.
So, I've answered the question from scratch
See attachment for explanation where I used comments to explain each line.
The program is as follows:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct houseType{
int firstHouse, secondHouse;
int main()
houseType hT;
cout << "Enter the price of both house: ";
cin>> hT.firstHouse;
cin>> hT.secondHouse;
if(hT.firstHouse == hT.secondHouse){ cout<<"true"; }
else{ cout<<"false"; }
return 0;
Obviously you have access to any sort of device.
click on your internet and click more info:
your IP address will be stated clearly, for example as 666<span>.666.6.666</span>