No, you cannot name a file to upload into an assignment in Blackboard using special characters such as #, ~, @, $, %, &, *.
So therefore, the answer is False.
The correct answer to the following question will be "Data".
- Data would be any series of one or even more signs which are given significance by unique classification action. To become knowledge the data needs to be interpreted.
- Data is generally considered to be the "bridge" that connects the designer's machine part with the practical side.
Therefore, this will be the right answer.
# the dog dataframe has been loaded as mpr
# select the dogs where Age is greater than 2
greater_than_2 = mpr [mpr. age > 2]
# select the dogs whose status is equal to 'still missing'
still_missing = mpr[mpr. status == 'Still Missing']
# select all dogs whose dog breed is not equal to Poodle
not_poodle = mpr [mpr.breed != 'Poodle']
The pandas dataframe is a tabular data structure that holds data in rows and columns like a spreadsheet. It is used for statistical data analysis and visualization.
The three program statements above use python conditional statements and operators to retrieve rows matching a given value or condition.