All men are equal and have inalienable rights.
The Democratic Party believes in cutting taxes for the middle and lower classes and raising them for the upper class. Democratic views on taxes also include the belief that an overhaul to the tax code and system are necessary. They vehemently oppose tax cuts such as those made by George W. Bush that provide relief to the wealthy in addition to the middle and lower classes, stating that the United States needs “a tax code that rewards work and creates wealth for more people, not a tax code that hoards wealth for those who already have it. With the middle class under assault like never before, we simply cannot afford the massive Bush tax cuts for the very wealthiest.” Democrats believe that, seeing as the 1990s were a prosperous time for America, tax code should be brought back to its state during this era.
Republican views on taxes include the belief that tax reduction is important, but must be done the right way. The party believes that budget surpluses have caused Americans to be overtaxed-a condition that is not only threatening their financial prosperity, but is also hindering (and possibly even reversing) growth to the country’s economy. They also want to limit the top marginal rate, believing it punishes those who have worked hard and invested well. Republicans also wish to make the Research and Development tax credit permanent. These three tax reforms combined, Republicans believe, will encourage and promote entrepreneurship. They also believe in encouraging saving and investments by implementing a tax credit for investments. However, despite their support for lowering taxes, Republicans do believe that tax cuts or tax incentives without any balancing spending cuts are detrimental to the economy.
In Russia, World War I became the catalyst for the ovethrow of Czar Nicholas II and the rise of the Communist Party (Bolshevik Revolution) led by Vladmir Lenin. Russia became the first Communist country. Communism eventually spread to small countries near Russia and eventually spread to Cuba, China and Vietnam.
Answer: Indigenous Canadians were not consulted or invited to participate in the confederation.
January 17, 2018 09:00 ET | Source: Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.
TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 17, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via OTC PR WIRE Umbra Applied Technologies, Inc. (OTC:UATG) Chairman is pleased to issue the following letter to shareholders today:
January 17, 2018
UATG Shareholders
Re: Umbra Applied Technologies Group, Inc.
2018 Chairman’s Letter
(UATG:PK) Year 2018
Chairman's Letter
“UAT Group and its subsidiaries, operate with the understanding that what we do matters and as such our decisions bear consequences.”
Dear Fellow Shareholders,
First, I would like to wish everyone a prosperous New Year and I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays.
As the Chief Executive of a publicly traded company I am the fiduciary for all shareholders, many of whom have invested in UAT Group based on long-term goals such as retirement or to pay for a childs higher education. As such, I advocate and otherwise direct corporate governance practices that are in keeping with long-term value creation for our shareholders and clients. Last year I asked my executive team to help me outline a new strategic frame-work for long-term value creation that could be completed within the year. I am pleased to report that we have been successful in our execution and were so against significant odds.
Over the course of the past 12 months, many of the assumptions on which our plans were based, including low interest rates on capital and an expectation for continued globalization, have failed to sustain despite indicators to the contrary. With U.S. reflation, increasing rates, renewed growth, the increasing turbulence in Asia as a catalyst to geopolitical tensions, the prospective withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union reshaping Europe and the United States undergoing a fundamental reformation of long held fiscal strategies; the economic environment has been and remains quite volatile. This does not mean that this company or the market at large is expected to be impacted negatively but it is a factor when crafting a long-term execution strategy.