After the people of Illinois became too hostile for the Mormons to stay there any longer (and also, after their church's founder, Joseph Smith, was killed as a result of that violence), Brigham Young took over as leader of the Mormons and led the group out of Illinois and to the present-day state of Utah, where they established a colony on the shores of the Great Salt Lake called New Zion.
The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest jurisdictional body at the federal level, charged with settling issues in which federal laws or the Constitution are controversial, both originally and through appeals.
From the ruling in Marbury v. Madison of 1803, the Court abrogated for itself the right to judicial review, through which the Court can verify that the laws enacted by Congress comply with the parameters established in the Constitution, being able to nullify by unconstitutionality those that do not do so.
Thus, the Court can evaluate the different laws and interpret them exclusively, exercising a review that establishes the way in which they operate in society. Therefore, through its rulings, the Supreme Court sets limits and interprets the laws, with which the rest of society, to comply with the law, must abide by those interpretations. This is how the Supreme Court impacts the political and social issues of the United States.
No is the answer to that question