The french became upset when English colonists began settling in the Ohio River Valley. In 1753 the French in Canada began building forts in the Valley. The French wanted to protect the land from the British. This resulted in the British attacking in self defense. They thought of it as the zfrench preparing to attack. This became known as the French and Indian War in the colonies. Both sides British and French were accompanied by Indian allies
They use the words "we the people of the United States" so as to signify that us people of the united states give the power to the government.
When the Japanese empire was dismantled at the end of World War Two, Korea fell victim to the Cold War. It was divided into two spheres of influence along the 38th parallel. The Americans controlled south of the line - the Russians installed a communist regime in the north, later ceding influence to China.
Pedometers can be used to measure the estimated distance with how many steps you've made or walked/ran. People with a high risk of type 2 diabetes can use a pedometer if they're willing to because many doctors encourage them to exercise more.
Hope this helps!!