If cells do not work together, the organism would die.
Answer and Explanation:
Protein is one of the most important molecules in our organism, being present in the composition of all elements, in addition to participating in several metabolic processes. This importance creates the need to study this molecule, however, to study it it is necessary to know the composition chemistry and the levels of structure it presents.
The chemical composition of proteins is related to amino acids, since protein is formed by them. In this case, we can say that the proteins have the same composition as the amino acids containing carboxylic acid and different amino groups, which is what determines the name and function of the amino acid.
In addition to chemical composition, the structure levels of proteins are extremely important, as they only function at a specific structural level. As for these levels, proteins can have a primary structure (there are more than two amino acids organized in a linear row), a secondary structure (when the primary structure turns into a helix species), a tertiary structure (formed by a more intense folding of the secondary structure providing the appearance of helices and leaves) and quarternary structure (when several tertiary structures are joined, allowing folding at the three-dimensional level. This is the functional structure of the protein).
The process that transports
solutes, including many drugs, into the tubular fluid is called tubular
secretion. Under this process, there is transfer of materials from peritubular
capillaries to the renal tubular lumen and the secretion is caused mainly by
active transport and passive diffusion.
In arabidopsis, a mutation causing the b-class genes to be non-functional will result in the organ identity of the four whorls to be; Sepal, sepal, Carpel, carpel. Arabidopsis is an angiosperm, a dicot from the mustard family Brassicaceae. It is widely used as a model organism in plant biology. It offers important advantages for basic research in genetics and molecular biology.