Imperialism is basically a policy that extends a country's power and influence through a military force and/or a diplomacy.
Hope I helped!
1. What does this image say to you? Be specific.
The image depicts sadness, despair, economic plight, poverty. It depicts hopelessness. The picture is one of the most famous taken during the Great Depression of the 1930s.
2. Can you relate to this woman and her two children?
She's very likely their mother, for the way that the two children cling to her. If not, she could be their aunt or step-mother. She is definitely not likely to be family unrelated to the children.
3. Approximately how old do you believe this woman to be? Her children? What made you come to that conclusion?
The woman must be in her late 30s or early 40s. The children are probably around 5 or 6. Their ages can be inferred by their physical appearance.
is there a passage so I can help
every time I looked for the passage it said not found
The arts thrived during the reign of Queen Elizabeth.
By Marcus Hawkins
Updated March 17, 2019
Quite often, those on the left of the political spectrum dismiss political conservative ideology as the product of religious fervor.
At first blush, this makes sense. After all, the conservative movement is populated by people of faith. Christians, Evangelicals, and Catholics tend to embrace the key aspects of conservatism, which include limited government, fiscal discipline, free enterprise, a strong national defense, and traditional family values. This is why many conservative Christians side with Republicanism politically. The Republican Party is most associated with championing these conservative values.