Bacteria are a group of single celled organisms that are neither plants or animals.
Bacteria lack cell organelles such as the nucleus and the chlorophyll.
They can be found in many environments and most of them are adapted to survive in extreme environments such as hot-springs where the temperatures are extremely high.
Unlike the plant cell wall, bacterial cell wall has a layer of peptidoglucan which determines their shape. Their cytoplasm contains both DNA and RNA.
The world is an illusion is the only possible answer.
Hindu priests do not claim to be able to spek to god, and since they are polythiestic they do not believe in one god. They do believe in a specific set of gods however so they would not believe that god is formless. They also believe in Karma and reinecarnation so ``We only live once`` would not be a viable answer either. To my knowlage ``The world is an illusion`` is not a core hindu belief either so I would question your teacher about that.
You could answer with Loess or Sand dunes to the question as they are both results from wind deposition
The students are asked, how do the embryos provide evidence for organic evolution.
The embryos of different vertebrate groups have been found to have similar morphological features during the early stages of development. This similarity suggests a common ancestry. The closer the resemblance between the embryos in early stages the closer the phylogenetic relationship of the organisms.
Roots are built to absorb more and are placed right in their environment that they will be absorbing nutrients. Unlike leaves and stems, roots are not exposed to the daily elements in the outdoors and therefore don’t need the protection and filter that the waxy cuticle provides.
I believe this is the difference..
I hope this helps! :)