Because people may make fun of you or call you some terrible things because stds are often linked by sleeping around (obvi not always true but that’s what people make it out to be)
and i’m good lol you?
A firework display because it’s not moving it’s a display
The answer to this is older, but it's not a proven fact even though schools teach it as if it were. It is still just a theory if you think about it with how much the earth moves, areas of rock could be complete upside down and no one would know, it would be like history in reverse.
The synthesis of RNA from a DNA template.
We know that transcription is the first step in gene expression. In the transcription process, information from a gene is used to build a functional product such as a protein. The primary goal of transcription is to produce an RNA copy of a gene's from a DNA sequence.
For a protein-coding gene, the RNA copy, or transcript, carries that information that is needed to build a polypeptide.
Eukaryotic transcripts need to go through some processing steps before starting of translation into proteins.
The answer would be C, as many streams/rivers carry plant seeds, dispersing them. If there was a drought, these seeds wouldn't be able to float on the stream and disperse.