Tameko enjoys playing on her school's volleyball team. She enjoys the physical activity and is proud of earning a place on the team, but this year, her friends have started making fun of all the school teams and clubs. They aren't making fun of her directly, but the friends have suggested that they don't think it is cool to play sports or have so much school spirit. Tameko is starting to feel pressured to quit the team. What should she do?
A. Quit the team; image is important and playing volleyball is not worth the risk of losing friends
B. Tell her friends how much she likes being on the team; if they don't respect that, find some friends who do
C. Join a traveling volleyball team and don't tell her friends about it; what they don't know, they can't laugh at
D. Explain to her friends why they should love volleyball, and avoid ever hanging out with them again the answer is B
An abortion. It is carried out for many reasons including unwanted pregnancies, cases where the parents are too young, lack of funds to keep the baby, death of baby inside the womb etc.
From what i heard, when carbon monoxide is in a person's blood (smoker or non smoker) it can kill you, it is a sign of poison in your blood. With smokers it is worse because they are smoking something that has a high content of carbon monoxide which can cause heart problems, lung cancer, birth defects, etc. So thats what i think
Alexandra is experiencing <u>acute </u>pain.
Acute pain is a type of pain that is generally related to the damaged of soft tissue such as the one on Alexandra's big toe, in other words, the skin and muscles of her big toe. Acute pain is sharp and severe, but it goes away in a short time, which can vary from some minutes to some months.