Height, length, and width. Or time, volume, depth. Or temperature, angle, and pressure.
Some people still say African Americans still deal with having their civil rights broken by police and other legal entities like them. But overall yes, having had a african american president, civil rights are greatly expanded and show that equal rights are all around enforced and had by all.
The main thing thatPresident Lincoln risked if he chose not to resupply Fort Sumter was looking weak and ineffectual in the face of the South.
False. Until the fall of the Soviet union, Russia was a socialist country. If you look at some of the basic ideas in Marxist theory about socialism was that it's was a complete overthrow of capitalism, instead believing that everyone should be in the same class of wealth. Basically, everything is shared from everyone. You pay for other people and vice-versa. In all communist governments (like the Soviet Union), they turn their backs on the ideas of capitalism.