One of the most significant advancements in military technology during the Civil War was from inventor and engineer John Ericsson, who created the designs for a new type of naval vessel for the United States: the ironclad ship with revolving turret.
Space race was a race for world powers to reach space ahead of everyone else. The space race consisted with The U.S. and The U.S.S.R reaching space. Ultimately, The U.S.S.R won, but the U.S won by landing on the moon.
Slavery was implicitly recognised in the original Constitution in provisions such as Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, commonly known as the Three-Fifths Compromise, which provided that three-fifths of each state's enslaved population (“other persons”) was to be added to its free population for the purposes of apportioning seats in the United States House of Representatives and direct taxes among the states.
There 19 young women were accused of witchcraft, or the “Devils Magic”.
Durante la crisis de 1929, Polonia, Alemania y Austria fueron los países más afectados en Europa. Sin embargo, muchos otros países de Europa también se vieron afectados.