A vassal needed economic resources to equip the cavalry he was bound to contribute to his lord to fight his frequent wars. Such resources, in the absence of a money economy, came only from land and its associated assets, which included peasants as well as wood and water.
Russian version:
Вассалу нужны были экономические ресурсы, чтобы вооружить кавалерию, которую он должен был предоставить своему господину для ведения частых войн. Такие ресурсы, в отсутствие денежной экономики, поступали только из земли и связанных с ней активов, которые включали крестьян, а также древесину и воду.
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In election years, it is clear that Christianity plays a big role in U.S. politics.Whatare some ways that Christianity figures into political discourse? Many of our lawsare based upon those found in the Ten Commandments and the Bible (lawsagainst murder, theft, etc). Our government makes Christian holidays nationalholidays and gives us time off for them and many government organizations don’twork on Sunday (Sabbath). Some people want to implement the Bible into schoolsand teach Christian beliefs in public schools as well. Christian politicians are oftenmore popular than non-Christian ones and when they push Christians ideas theytend to be more popular as well. Anti-gay and anti-lgbt legislation are oftenmotivated by belief in parts of the Bible that condemn homosexuality.2.Find a current article in the newspaper that has something to do with Christianity.Discuss the article with the class.
<span>For control of Central Asian trade routes, lasting from 1830 to 1907. </span>
China has the world's largest population (1.42 billion), followed by India (1.35 billion).
The next five most populous nations – the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Nigeria – together have fewer people than India.
During the 15th Century, Western Europe’s social class system comprised the
1. King: The king was the absolute head of the ruling system. The king was in charge of divide the land among the monarchy and the church. Also, he was the one that named lords and knights. Moreover, all the members of the kingdom had to pay the king for the right to use the land through money or goods.
2. Lords: This class was made of powerful landowners and the heads of the church. On the one hand, the king was in charge of providing financial aid to the members of this class. On the other hand, both lords and church members rewarded this help to the king by keeping the population under control and ensuring the loyalty towards him.
3. Knights: They were the last link in the chain of nobility. Basically, they were in charge of ensuring the land control of the lords and of providing military aid to the monarchy.
4. Bourgeoisie: During the 15th Century, a new social class appeared in Europe: the bourgeoisie. This class was neither part of the monarchy nor the church. In fact, the bourgeoisie comprised merchants and agricultural industrials.
5. Peasants: They were the last part of the social class system. Most of the peasants were farmers and worked on the lands that were the property of the king or the lords, for that reason they had to pay for the use of it. Therefore, they lived in extreme poverty.