People have been ringing the death knell for email on and off for a few years now. But should we be listening?
The latest peal came from French IT company Atos, which declared that it would phase out internal emails by 2013. And for reasons we’ll all recongize: too much time spent dealing with too many emails, of which too few are useful and too many are spam. CEO Thierry Breton said his staff would instead use good old face-to-face communication, as well as instant messaging (IM) and social media tools.
the answer is B and is part of all spreadsheet functions
Mail Merge is a way to send the same message to a large number of persons, with each one properly addressed to a specific person.
does not call in sick or miss work frequently
creates a list of solutions for the boss
arrives at work on time or early
waits for supervisor to give directions
works quickly and accurately
shows initiative
communicates effectively
sets clear goals to achieve success
Have a Great Day!!!