História da Índia – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Esta fase da história da Índia é conhecida como o período védico ou era védica. Sua fase primitiva testemunhou a formação de diversos reinos da Índia antiga; em ...
D. Petrarch
Petrarch was an Italian poet and scholar who paved the way for the Renaissance by re-discovering Cicero's letters. He has also been called "The Father of Humanism."
Ronald Reagan was 69 years 11 months when he became President.
The condition of scare rainfall for a few years is known as a drought (I think)
Missionaries go into a community to teach about Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. Missionary work depends on where the individual or group of missionaries are going (international or local communities). At the very least, a missionary’s first responsibility is to God, then to his or her church or missions agency.