The Pacific is more popular. Not to mention it’s one of our main Oceans. Therefore they’re more extravagant.
Martin Frobisher's sailing expedition into the waters of northern Canada was sponsored by Queen Elizabeth 1 of England. The Queen believed strongly that there was fertility in the new territory of Canada so she sent Martin Frobisher on a large expedition with about 15 vessels to establish a 100-man colony. This was Martin Frobisher's third trip or voyage to Canada and so he set sail on the 3rd of June, 1578.
He arrived at Frobisher's Bay in Canada July but could not establish a colony which Queen Elizabeth 1 asked him to due to the lack of contentment of his men so instead he he began to mine ore believing to be worth a lot. He mined about 1,350 tons of ore and took back to England. It was in England that it was discovered that the tons of ore was useless and worth nothing.
As a result of this, Martin Frobisher lost a lot of money and was financially incapacitated which made him to look for other means of employment and survival.
E. Construct Validity.
Construct validity is mostly used in social sciences and psychology. It is mainly a device used almost exclusively in social sciences, psychology and education.
For example, you might design whether an educational program increases artistic ability amongst pre school children. Construct validity is a measure of whether your research actually measures artistic ability, a slightly abstract label.
Just like case above that has to deal Dr. Ross looking to examine if the certain indicators which tends to complete her romantic attraction measurement are truly related to one another and make for an accurate representation of the variable she is researching.
Pacific Ocean.
The Pacific Ocean Is West And South Of California. It Shows On Any World Map.