Unless I am missing some very specific context for this; this is false, Romania does not share a border with the United States, much less a ground border. Romanians would have to take a ship or a plane to go to the US.
They should protect, promote and monitor human rights in the countries.
They should address the grievances involving state-owned companies, private companies providing public services, or companies that operate at the federal level.
Address certain type of human rights issues like labor rights
Address issues and complaints regarding human rights laws, violation of human rights.
Protect, Enhance or Construct Dunes. Sand dunes provide natural coastalprotection against storm surge and high waves, preventing or reducing coastal flooding and structural damage, as well as providing important ecological habitat. They also act as sand storage areas, supplying sand to eroded beaches.
I think liberalism is better. Why? Because communism, is a political and economic system in which wealth and resources are divided among citizen equally or according to individual need. Examples: Government controlled education, no private property, all $/ property belongs to the state, etc.
Liberalism is freedom from regulations/ rules and overbearing government, its people power. The power for the individual to do what he/she wants within bounds of the law or society. Liberals are much in favor of the people being more powerful than the government.