Q1 - sentence 3 Q2 - it is a transition word Q3 - sentence 4 Q4 - identical to Q3 and similar to Q1 except for the word "phrase" versus "clause" Q5 - the second sentence is correct: <span>Under the tree, Angel found three gold coins. Q6 - the last option: </span><span>After six hours, the bright, hot sun became unbearable. Q7 - last option: </span><span>Sparky, you are one sweet puppy! Q8 - 2nd sentence: </span><span>She walked down the long, winding road. </span>Q9 - 3rd option: <span>Ricardo screamed as he spilled his frozen pineapple slushy. Q10 - 1st sentence: </span><span>School began on a cold September morning. Good luck</span>