The word ALGEBRA has 7 letters with the letter A repeated twice.
Hence we permute all 7 letters with A repeated twice
₇P₇ / 2! = 7!/ [ (2!) ( 7-7)!]
= 2,520
The chants can be sung by using six-note patterns called hexachords. Gregorian melodies are traditionally written using neumes, an early form of musical notation from which the modern four-line and five-line staff developed. Good luck!!
Manufacturers try to locate their factors as close as possible to their inputs and markets to cut transportation cost. Other issues could be the availability of raw material, land, water, labor, power, capital, transport, and market. Examples of these manufacturers and/or industries would be the market for construction workers or “factor markets”. Industries and/or companies such as McDonald’s and other fast food chain, rely on these factor markets for materials to continue to expand and increase the economic growth and success.
You can start with:
"Dear Representative Name Here:
As a student, I am interested in how you are involved within the government. I wish to inquire about the committees that you currently served in, whether it is state or local. It will be very useful for me to study someone with a local perspective.
I also wish to find out about what types of bills you have submitted. These bills may pertinent towards my own studies, especially if they involve any of the local issues.
I would furthermore request that you enclose in your reply a copy of a speech that you have made in Congress. It is good to learn from your stances directly.
Thank you for your consideration.
Your Name"
There's not enough rhetoric but this is a start.