They also need energy to move and to stay alive
Secara umum, gaya mengacu pada tampilan atau desain keseluruhan dari suatu objek, atau metode menyelesaikan tugas...hope it helps
Reflexes are not a function of the spinal cord.
The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system and is made up of neurons that go along it (from the end of the brain stem almost to the bottom of the spine).
The spinal cord receives incoming messages from the peripheral nervous system (including the sensory neurons) and pass on messages from the brain to efferent neurons (motor neurons at muscles).
The spinal cord contributes to learning as it passes on the info received from sensory neurons (that there is an obstacle in the path) to the brain and passes on the response from the brain to the muscles (to lift the foot up higher).
The spinal cord is essential for integration as it passes on sensory information to the brain to determine motor output.
Reflexes are when sensory information is quickly sent straight to motor neurons to move. It does not need to go to the brain (hence does not need to go to the spinal cord) for the reaction as it would be too slow. This is seen when someone who is paraplegic (paralysed at lower torso) can still move their leg in response to the doctor tapping their knee even when they cannot forcibly move their legs.
Therefore reflexes are not a function of the spinal cord.
Mitochondria, plastids and chloroplast all are surrounded by a double membrane
The correct answer would be c. The cell has a greater level of structural support.
Phospholipds are the structural units of a cell membrane. They are consist of two components; hydrphobic lipids and hydrophylic polar heads.
They make a bilayer structure in which polar heads are in contact with water and lipid part are embedded within the layer.
- Lipid bilayer gives the rigidity or shape to the cell.
- It isolates the cell from the sorroundings.
- It is semi-permiable in nature and thus prevents or control the movement of substances across the membrane.
- Being liquid in nature, the cytoplasm would have dispersed in the surrounding in absence of cell membrane.
Hence, most appropriate choice would be c. The cell has a greater level of structural support.