B. customer relationship management
The manager of sporting items for outdoor adventures is Ezra. His monetary outlays have outpaced his cash receipts during the last six months. The outdoor adventure industry has a cash flow issue.
Although profitability may be the most important indicator of a company's success, maintaining a steady level of cash flow on a daily basis is essential if your organization is to survive and expand.
When the amount of money leaving the organization exceeds the amount of money coming in, there is a cash flow issue. This results in a lack of liquidity, which might hinder your capacity to pay bills, make loan repayments, and run business profitably.
To learn more about cash flow problem here
The correct answer is C
Demand for business products is referred to as the derived demand, which means that the firm or business bought the products to be used while producing the products of customer.
And a small decrease or increase in the demand of the consumer could produce the larger change in the demand for the manufacturing equipment and facilities required to make the product for consumer.
So, the needs of the customer states that the demand for the business product is derived.
Answer: Dirty float system.
The dirty float system is also knowns as "managed float".
It is a floating exchange rate in which the central bank of a particular country steps in occasionally to alter the pace at which the country's currency change value. In this system, the central bank acts to prevent external economics shock and guide against its disruptive effect on the domestic economy.
_The time value of money_ principle states that <span>a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in the future.
Hope this helps</span>