Due to the fact that when crossing the isolated lines, the F1 progeny expression resulted in all alleles having blue shells and long antennas, the dominant <em>shell/color & length/antenna</em> combination is:
<em>"</em><em>Blue Shell & Long Antenna</em><em>"</em>
the external oblique.
<u>the external oblique</u> covers the ventral, abdominal region in rats.
Sister chromatids have different alleles although carry same genes on same loci. So if it doesn't happen so, like if there are same alleles on sister chromatids then there is a problem in its formation. i.e., male and female alleles haven't contributed equally ( may be an error during their segregation process ). And obviously it doesn't happen in a real cell so we must understand this point. Because normally whenever it happens there's one half from the male and one half from the female. (i.e. maternal and paternal alleles contribute equally).
I hope you get the answer!!!
"The function of DNA is tied to its structure. ... The bonds between nitrogenous bases are essential to DNA's double helix structure, which resembles a twisted ladder. The base pairs form the rungs of the twisted ladder, and the sugar-phosphate strands form the sides."
The way wales intake food is much different