All of them, they are all very important factors to test for the identifying
One choice should be “exponential growth curve”, choose that. If you could post a pic of the remaining options, I'll try and solve it for you further.
Intermediate neuron
Interneurons are the "middle man", neither a sensory or motor nueron, that creates neurial circuits, connecting a broad class of neurons in the spinal cord and brain. They enable communication from motor and sensory neurons in the central nervous systems and are classified into two groups; relay and local interneurons. Through neurial circuits, the brain is able to manage and deal with complex stuff such as decision-making and learning.
Option B. does not require the intake of carbon dioxide.
Becacuse, celullar respiration takes oxygen and produces carbon dioxide.
Cellular respiration involves both plants as animals.
Cellular respiration does not uses chlorophyl.
Photosynthesis is an energy conversion.